.. _business: Business ============ This section is a twist on a typical 'business plan', since our goals and structure are different than a typical business. But we sustain ourselves through selling products and services in a competitive market, so many of the things we think about and plan for are more like a business than anything else. Since one of our core tenants is openness we decided to write out all that is behind the face of OpenGeo. Think of it as the 'source code' for our organization, where you can see the ways we think about things, our strategy, what we're planning to do next. Our hope is that being upfront about all of this will enable us to more easily align incentives with potential collaborators. And we welcome 'patches' on this plan, as we are constantly updating our thinking to adapt and respond to the changing world, looking to find a niche where we can support ourselves providing valued services while creating software that we give away to all. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 fundamentals industry product marketing network future